August 25, 2013


today we celebrate and we cry in the neeleman home. henry went to his first full day of nursery at church. in our ward they can go when they are 15 months old, so he was totally legal. i went to check on him after the first hour (it't a 2 hour ordeal) and he was so busy playing with all the toys he could barely squeeze in a hi. i think i missed him a lot more then he missed me. when i went to pick him up they were singing once there was a snowman and henry was tearin' that dance floor up!

....he gets it from me.... i was so proud. well dad does have some moves too, he gets it from both of us i guess.

then i caught this picture of him as he was running into our house after, where did tiny, little henry go?

1 comment :

  1. aww i love this! i can't wait to see you guys tonight! :)
