July 5, 2014

the time we went to a world cup game//salvador, brasil

tuesday we headed to the airport around 9am and caught a flight to salvador, about a 2 hour plane ride. daniel got tickets to the usa x belgium world cup game. (!!!)

we thought about getting babysitters and just daniel and i go, or just take charles, buuuut i am pretty terrible at leaving my kids. so we thought, i mean how crazy could a little soccer game be, right? we will just take them both! ha! it's settled.

the plane ride there was great. henry slept the whole time and charles and i played with the free snacks and then took a little nap ourselves. daniel was somewhere in the front. he switched with a lady behind us so she could sit with her daughter...thanks honey!

salvador, brasil.
the babies really were troopers. they slept on the go, did awesome on both plane rides and soaked in the game (litereally, it was sooo humid.) like they were old time pros.

the energy there was unreal. that was the best part, the moment we landed we could feel the game buzz, it was nuts.
the stadium was surrounded by homes like the ones below. every balcony had a brazilian flag. werk.
the boys were on our laps, it was tight! and lucky for us we, the people on the end of the row wanted to exit for more drinks about, oh, every 2 minutes. no big deal. then trying to nurse, make bottles, juggle the big camera, eat the popsickle before it melted, protect the kids eyes from who knows what that crazy people were doing around us was a bit crazy. and good thing for us neither team scored the entire game, so we went into overtime! yes. by that point henry was yelling, i'n want curious george! i'n want curious george! and charles just wanted to nurse without the red, white and blue man in front of us screaming, i believe that we will win! i believe that we will win! (which, apparently he didn't believe hard enough).

so we headed out while daddy stayed for overtime. but were we went was where all the drunkies were. so after about the 15th man coming up to me while i was holding two crying babies and asking for my picture- i was really glad for the game to be over. we were close usa, so close.

but what an adventure! we took the 11pm flight back home and got em casa about 2 am.

memories made, fifa plastic water cups in the cupboard, pictures taken, and a check off the bucket list.




  1. SOOOOOOO coooool!!!! "LEGAL!!!!!" way to juggle the kids and take them! I would have done the same. Nothing is as fun without the littles. Am I right? and henry and charles look like he had a dream of a time. LOved the pictures!

  2. I am so glad went! Seriously such a crazy experience you just don't "get" if you don't go. Loved the pics!
