April 2, 2015

my tiny green men.

every tuesday and thursday mornings i go and take ballet class while daniel stays with the boys. i get home around 9:30 and for the rest of the day i feel like i am behind the game. (but it is so good for my metal wellness!) i get home to an oatmeal mess on the floor, poopy diapers, half naked kids and daniel running off to work. 

last week when i got home the kids were in the hallway with dad waiting for me to get off the elevator and daniel was leaving, i sat on the hallway floor exhausted from class and already tired from my motherly tasks that were awaiting.  i watched the boys kiss daddy good-bye and then start chasing each other around our floor- our poor neighbors. henry ran to the elevator and pushed the button. the door opened and him and charles run in. the door closed. this happens more times then not so i walked over and pushed the button again-expecting the doors to open right up.

buuuut  in that 4 seconds it took me to push the button, someone from another floor had called the elevator. my boys were screaming. i mean s.c.r.e.a.m.i.n.g. so i ran to the stairwell and followed the screams. first they went up, so i ran up, but didn’t catch them. then they went down to the first level- i ran out to catch the elevator but barely missed them again. they were still screaming. i was getting tired. back to the stairwell. then the screams came out of the elevator. so i ran to the third floor (where we live) and sure enough there everyone was. in my house was a well dressed, cute outfit, nails done kind of lady holding screaming charles and henry beside her. she was trying not to step on the oatmeal all over our floor. i ran in completely out of breath. she had this look on her face like “oh.my.this.is.all.so.pathetic”, and “wait.is.she.really.pregnant.again?". she said something in portuguese like- do you let them play in the elevador by themselves?  i was too tired to try to formulate a sentence in portuguese so just smiled and said “obrigada”.  i took my screaming kids and she walked out of the door in complete disgust. the end.

a few days later while i was putting away lunch, henry climbed in the pantry and got out the food coloring. i was hurrying to get dishes done and didn't notice the complete madness that was about to go down. food coloring everywhere. they were covered. and super happy. but covered. so i thought, ok, i will get a bucket of soapy water and dump it on the deck to wash it all up. then it turned into a blue/green giant deck bath. (i don't have pictures of this part because holy cow. it was badddd.)i ran them both to the shower and put them in and started spraying them off. then henry got the sprayer and somehow sprayed me. in the face. mascara was running. got the boys out, and they were both a nice green color. i mean dyed green. their whooole bodies. but at least they weren't tracking food coloring anymore. we got the deck somewhat normal and then all went outside for a little breather. as soon as we walk out the doors, there that same lady is. the elevador lady. i have mascara all over my face, and my two boys are completely died green. she gave me the same looks and went on her way.

im not kidding you. this lady is my bad luck looker. get her out of here! 

*situations similar have happened 3 times now.
* the pictures shown are from when things were still somewhat in control. they escalated fast. 

happy thursday- friday please hurry up!



  1. you are super mom! i would have totally lost it.

  2. Hannah you're amazing! I think of you often-- what an motherhood adventure team. you are seriously rocking it (obviously). Can't believe you'll have 3. Amazing. and way to get to ballet. thanks for sharing, it's so good to read about the good, bad and messy!

  3. hahaha I only laugh because I had a "case of threes" lately too. Glad you took pictures and shook it off, but yeah, your good luck- I mean bad luck lady has to go. That's funny, because I have totally been there. lets get together soon and let our crazies destroy things together!

  4. This sounds very similar to my mornings. Coming home from swimming Lyndon running out the door and paint splattered on the walls. It's still there months later. I'll get yo it one day. And Charles is stinking adorable!

  5. This is hilarious! Your boys are awesome and you're awesome for letting them be awesome! Love you!
