sometimes motherhood and wifehood duties (all while 8 months pregnant) make me tired and a little grumpy. it's true! i get grumpy! last week and i was "getting through" the days and it at the end of the day i was sad. so friday morning as me and the boys were taking our morning rinse while blasting general conference talks, the words i was listening to made perfect sense. the speaker was talking about the music of the gospel- so good for a dancer!
"...when we can hear the music ourselves, we must try our best to perform
it in our homes. It is not something that can be forced or compelled.
“No power or influence can or ought to be maintained by virtue of the
priesthood”—or by virtue of being the dad or the mom or the biggest or
the loudest—“only by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and
meekness, … by love unfeigned; [and] by kindness”
would these attributes lead to increasing power and influence in a
home? Because they are the attributes that invite the Spirit of the Holy
Ghost. They are the attributes that tune our hearts to the music of the
gospel. When they are present, the dance steps will be performed more
naturally and joyfully by all of the dancers in the family, without the
need for threats or intimidation or compulsion."
and this is me with 4 weeks to go! we can't wait to meet you, babe!