February 10, 2016


yesterday was one of those days, you know those days. those days when you constantly have a baby in your arms from the minute you wake up till way past your bedtime. you are peed on, pooped on, thrown up on, bitten, kissed, hugged, hit, and snuggled. then as daniel and i are doing dishes at 11pm we turn on a talk by elder holland behold thy mother and with tears streaming down my face i find peace, hope, strength and comfort.  

motherhood is a beautiful, divine calling. i am so grateful for my babies. there is a special, powerful spirit that babies bring into our lives and homes. every time i snuggle that little george of mine i can't help but pray and ask Heavenly Father to "save" those little moments so i can replay them in the eternities. i have so many moments bookmarked. but like elder holland says; "...the impact of such love will range between unbearable and transcendent, over and over again..." 

so yesterday was closer to the "unbearable" but when i get that snugly george tonight at 3am all 
bundled up towards me, pulling me as close as he can so he can nurse and then him grabbing my hair to pull my face so it touches his little nose and watching him drift back to sleep...well that's closer to "transcendent". 

1 comment :

  1. oh Hannah, it's so good. you put it perfectly (yesterday was one of those exact days for me and I thought the same thing midnight nursing... probably nothing better in the whole world).
