March 18, 2016

Port Alegre BRASIL


we took a two day trip to port alegre this week. we had so much fun. of course i took three pictures the whole time we were there (traveling with three babies+george was sick) but sometimes that's when you know you really were having a blaaassssttt is when you forget to take pictures.

we met up with daniel's sister and her husband, went to a leather convention, ate so much food, and explored some incredible little german cities, my favorite being gramado. you guys. it was so cute! the germans settled the area (way back when) so the city was very eropean, and quaint. cottage after cottage. it is located at the very top of a mountain with brazilian pine trees and palm trees covering the land. the air was fresh and warm and every road was lined with (giant) blue hydrangeas. it was breathtaking! driving up the mountain we saw all sorts of european/brazilian looking farm houses with incredible gardens. i think i told daniel 500 times that we were moving there as SOON as possible. none of the houses were even gated! it felt so safe.

the drive was a few hours long and we crammed into a tiny car with our family PLUS vanessa and thomas. seven people. but honestly the drive was one of the best parts, the conversation flowed smoothly ranging from our dreams, how many babies we were going to have to paris hilton. we laughed, cried, got peed on, thrown up on and kissed. and listening to charles say "janesssa! janessssaaaa!!!" never. got. old.

there are my three pictures! 


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