September 13, 2015

a night at the ballet.

last night was a night to remember. daniel and i went on a date with baby george! although george wasn't very social, he slept from the moment we got into the car to about three hours after we got home. nonetheless, daniel and i made the most of it. we found ourselves at the alpha theatro in são paulo watching the geneve ballet. it was one of the most inspiring shows i have ever attended. it made me cry. the dancers were stunning, technically flawless and could move so fluidly. the choreography was profound. i wanted to crawl on stage and somehow be apart of everything they were creating. oh! my heart! it aches to dance like that again. the whole way home daniel and i were brainstorming and dreaming of how to make that possible. this little journey of life that i have has given me so many things that bring me joy, two if which are my sweet family+husband and dancing. the only problem is that each of them require extreme dedication and commitment, time and a lot of energy. i am still trying to figure out ways to do both. i cherish the few hours i get during the week to sneak away to ballet class and i am loving my time as a full time mommy to my perfect little babes as well. i am trusting that god will provide ways for me to grow in all aspects of my life. he always does. 

i also realized i never shared this video i made a few months ago when i was about 8 months pregnant with george. it was so fun to make. the video i was fun to make too, i guess...!



  1. Amazing video!! You've always been an inspiration to me, to not let pregnancy stop you from doing the things you love. Instead, pregnancy enhances the things you love to do and the things you love to do enhances your pregnancy.

  2. you are so beautiful. You are an inspiration in motherhood and in dancing. Can I be you when I grow up?

  3. I am sharing this with everyone. I feel like this would be a great Mormon message or something. GORGEOUS

  4. Hannah, You are simply beautiful!! I love and adore you and think you are so amazing!! You really are so inspiring and I just love you! Xoxo thank you for sharing this beautiful video!
