September 22, 2015


these are some iphone pictures from daniel's phone because mine got stolen last week at the grocery store. (insert sad emoji face with tear).

selfies with george while the boys grocery shop, and charles in daddy's church shoes. henry and chalres went home teaching with daniel and us kneeling down to pray- helicopters and all. my attempt at homemade bread and our delicious sunday dinner with the hill family, daniel's sister victoria never disappoints. what my cart looks like when we go to the supermercado- no wonder my phone got stolen, i have three babies in a cart! i can't focus on anything else! my awesome hammy down shoes that a dear friend gave to me. they bring me joy! pastels and a posing mom. more pastels and daniel's honeybees.

this is my normal right now.



  1. you guys have honeybees??? that is so cool!

  2. Oi, Hannah!
    Obrigada pelo exemplo que você foi para todas nós na Ala Costa e Silva! Eu, pessoalmente, amei conhecer uma mulher que ama e se dedica a maternidade e faz da família sua prioridade. Amei conhecer você! Felicidades em sua nova casa!!! ;)
