May 9, 2016

brazilian mountains.

a weekend worth remembering! my little herd made a three hour trek saturday to campos do jordâo for a ballet competition. they are such devoted fans;) as it was a descent distance, we decided to put air bnb to work and make a weekend out of it, so glad we did!

the city is nestled at the  top of brazil´s version of the adirondacks and conveniently located near são paulo capital. the weather is notoriously 25 degrees cooler than the valley, which in a tropical place like brazil, makes for a unique desintation.  people drive hours for an excuse to dawn their sweaters, fleeces and hunter boots, bundled to their chins in winter gear while sipping thick hot chocolate and nibbling on boiled pine seeds and candied popcorn. the streets are windy, steep and narrow, weaving through the countour of the mountain valley dominated by half-hip german rooftops and gorgeous brazilan pines, giving it an almost european air. my internal tourist trap meter never hit mach levels and the city felt lived in and needed, supported by more than tourist dollars which was refreshing. it was different and beautiful. i love seeing and expereincing new places like this, and i love that my family was right there with me. i will post more of the dancing later, but for now i will just do the fun stuff! air bnb is neat beacause you feel like their visitor/guest, like you are getting a glimpse of how these people really live, see, feel and eat. it is really quite intimate and inspiring. i loved it!

this was our morning view. i didnt hate it! we shared the house with victoria and alex and we all froze our buns off during the night in the heatless home.  luckily, we couldnt get the fire started which made things even colder! wet wood seems to be the scape-goat the men were using.

see this gray pup by our feet? well he lived at the house too, and we kinda fell in love with him. henry named him cookie and we almost brought him home... almost.


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