September 28, 2014

parque das aguas

a few weeks back, when henry was sick and all three of us had a terrible case of cabin fever, we packed up in the car and decided to go for a drive. we have had a few people talk about parque das aguas in a nearby (ish) city so i looked up the address and we set off. there was almost no one there and the sun was hot! like reeaalll bright. 

we walked, talked, and scouted the roosters out. we chased a rabbit, walked through bamboo and took lots of pictures. 

^^^ i love this picture. brothers! i'm glad they have each other, and i am glad i have them. and i am so glad that we have warm weather! all the time here!

this week we are going to spend as much time as we can outdoors, my boys do so much better when they are outside. and- wasn't women's meeting so good?! also, niell marriott and her 11 kids? that was amazing. i texted daniel right then and told him i wanted to have a jumping picture like the one she showed someday with our 11 kids... !


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