March 12, 2016

Warm rain

i guess it is fall time here in brazil, which also means rainy season. every afternoon, during naps, the storm rolls in. some are thundery and with wild wind and lightening and others are warm and the sun is still shining.

the other day, charles and george woke up before henry. they played while i finished sweeping the floors. before i knew it, little george had escaped into the warm brizilian rain storm. he was slapping his little hands down in the puddles as he crawled around the house. he kept looking up to the sky and giggling because the drops would make him blink. then charlie joined in the fun, and they played in the warm rain for a good hour.



  1. Do people in Brazil worry about your kids getting sick from the rain? In the Philippines and here in Singapore people do.

    1. Brazilians worry about EVERYTHING! Rain, dirt, tile floors, wind, sun, hiccups... They get really stressed when they see me parent 😉

  2. Lol you are not alone. I get a lot of crazy looks.
