February 4, 2013

its about, time...

 hi, we are the neeleman family. we really love each other. saturday night we got to go to the jazz game with our dear friends ted and di. they are a very cute couple. we took the train to salt lake. of course. i got to dance at ballet west the next morning and even though my cheeks are still swollen, i got through class, i love to dance. i love when i get out of class and henry and daddy are waiting outside for me. i am their world and they are mine. it is so wonderful to know that i am everything to someone. i have a need. i have a purpose. i am part of a family. we went to church today and i played with henry out in the hallway for most of church, we didn't hear many talks or sunday school lesson, but we had fun.

 last night i watched this video. i loved it. suddenly made me want to live somewhere with lots of open space, fields, farm and a big tree with a tree house. (a little different then nyc, i guess). i also liked it because it made me think of my cute daniel. he does so much for our family. last reason why i liked it, well... was a reminder once again that i am indeed a daughter of a heavenly father, and that each of us are divine.

happy monday!

1 comment :

  1. Henry's been packing on the pound since i have seen him last!! What a cutie!!!
