January 21, 2014

first sunday.

 the neeleman's had an awesome first sunday in our new city.

we found out that our stake had stake conference on sunday so we went to the beautiful, (beautiful!!) stake center here. i was wondering the halls/empty classrooms and turning on all the fans for henry most of the time, but it felt good to be there.

after lunch we headed to the reservoir down the street from our house. we spent a good amount of time feeding the geese while i told the boys about me beloved pet goose alberta from my childhood days. she was a beaut. we walked around, people watched and had lots of good familysations. we also memorized a scripture. oh, and the weather was perfect.

hope you had a good as well,


1 comment :

  1. LOVE the new lay out!! yesss! and charles looks so happy to be out and about in his stroller.
