August 21, 2014

homemade gifters

 on saturday we had a birthday party to go to for our friend aurtur. the big 5! 

something you should know about us is that we never buy toys for our kids, and rarely buy gifts for each other (even on birthdays, christmas... is hit or miss). but we do make stuff for each other. daniel is always drawing me funny pictures with very cute love notes that follow. and of course i paint something or write him love letters as well. we like it like this. but what to do for kids parties?! anyways, i was debating if i should go buy him a superman toy or something but i couldn't get myself to do the deed. instead henry and i stenciled, painted, cut and hung (it was quite the process ;)) this little ctr banner. it was a party.

notice the underwear (!!!!!). henry is now officially going pee pee in the toilet. now, how do we do poo poo? help!
 henry made this in the meantime.^^^
 and then charles woke up and started eating the paint. that's normal. ^^^
 notice the underwear change;). then he starts singing "i'n goin to church, goin to church!"
 the party was so fun and so well planned. i could never even attempt at something like that^^^
 these are the two pictures i took at the party, daniel wasn't there and the big camera is like another child, sooo....^^^
and that's our view.

good night.