August 27, 2014

we're takin root

you know that quote "bloom where you are planted"? i think about it all the time. all the time since moving to brazil. in about every prayer i ask to know my purpose in brazil, and i guess i was just waiting for something spectacular to hit me in the face and say, heeellloooo this is why you're here! they want you to be the first woman, american, president of brazil! well maybe not that exactly, but something.

then tonight i was asked to teach the youth of our ward dance. and so i did. and boy did they dance. it was amazing to see them soak everything up and interpret my terrible portuguese and move, laugh, and not be afraid of what anyone else was thinking. it was really quite inspiring. and then they all wanted me to dance for them at the end and it somehow turned into an awesome improv session.

ah, man, i love to dance.

then the boys and i came home and as i was nursing charles, henry started improving and moving his cute little 2 year old body all over the living room. he was turning and rolling and stretching and saying "hode on mama, i dancing"! i put my tiny, sleeping charles in his crib and my heart ached a little bit to think that this was one less day with my baby boys. their growing like weeds over here! and as i was mopping up smooshed oatmeal off the ground tonight it all of the sudden became clear. why i am here i mean.  my purpose is small but oh so spectacular. supporting my sweet husband as he works day and night to provide for our family, raising my boys to love god, and trust in jesus christ, and then sharing and receiving love from everyone we meet. and that certainly includes dancing crazy in the church gym to irma at a wednesday night mutual activity. it's to learn from everyone we meet and to love and support each other as a family.

so, there you have it. our porch garden is not the only thing that is bloomin over here;).

over and out.


  1. What a great post! Sam and I talk about the bloom where you're planted talk from general conference the time. I like the conclusion you came to. You're a wonderful mother and your boys are blessed to have you. Plus, your balcony garden is really great. I need a balcony so I can copy you.

  2. I love everything about this. You are a great and inspirational friend.
