October 20, 2014


oi oi oi!

things here are truckin along. on my last post i talked about the water drought and this past week things got a lot worse. our water gets shut off everyday for the majority of the afternoon. it has been really tough. i have talked about our little porch garden here, here, and here. i was totally in love with it. and this week, with all the heat and no water, almost everything has died and i am soooo sad. it is amazing that when we dont have running water everything else in the world seems a lot smaller. you focus on the basics, the things that really really matter. yes, we have been doing a good amount of thinking and reflecting the last little bit.

i am so thankful that i have the gospel in my life and the knowledge that god will take care of his children. he has a plan, and his ways are not always our ways, but if we trust, we can have peace and hope even in times that are hard.

otherwise, life has been good. daniel and i got to witness the sealing of a beautiful family of three in our ward. it was so beautiful. i am performing in the nutcracker here next month, the the boys and i have been going to a lot of rehearsals. and henry sometimes does my hair for ballet. bath time on the porch, date night with daniel, the boys "organizing" the pantry and a beautiful cake by victoria. 



  1. even the cactus died?!?!?! or are those still ok? we'll pray for you to get some rain!!

  2. you are the prettiest!!

    now come over and do some laundry while we still have water!
