February 20, 2016



during the week daniel gets to come home for lunch since he works so close(!!!) it's wonderful because it breaks our days up and gives us something to look forward to, i mean how doesn't look forward to kissing that sexy beard of daniel's ;) buuut when he doesn't, the boys and i like to sneak to the outdoor feira and buy a pastel. they are an brazillian staple. and my favorite part is what they call vinaigrette, somewhat of a fresh vinegar salsa. sooo delicious. and i've said it once and i will say it again, street fairs are so romantic, am i right? all the fresh, homegrown fruits and veggies, big brown eggs, organic cheese, handmade clothes etc. we hit one at least once a week, and they never get old! 

charly had a little accident before arriving, hence the no pants. but he did have a stuffed snowman and hat on so thats got to count for something...

we went for a family drive yesterday while running errands with dad. sometimes i forget where i am  and become immune to the sights i see everyday. yesterday i was reminded again how incredibly blessed we are. as i looked into the neighborhoods as we drove home i saw farvela after farvela. these homes make my mama heart hurt. i know that a lot of them struggle to even have food for their families, and audults and children suffer. as far as temporal possessions go, they have very little. i was humbled. it is not what we have but it is what we do with it. everyone of our situations here on earth is so different, we all have trails and strengths and are each being tested on how grateful and believing we will be while on this earth. 

we really have a lot to smile about. God is so good to us. 
