April 18, 2016


while we were in utah, my sweet sister had a birthday! so something you should know about my family is that we really didn't/don't do birthdays. and i completely understand why...there were NINE of us. well, i take that back, my mom always toilet papered our rooms/hallway/sometimes the kitchen, so that when we woke up we would have to tear down the TP to get out of bed. it is really one of my sweetest memories...

after the festivities we had to gather up the TP and put it the bathrooms so that it could be reused. of course. my mom was a genius. 

anyways, for my sisters birthday we had her and her family over for dinner, she made us all dinner... whoops. we had such a good time. the husbands went out and bee'ed ( justin has beehives and let's 
daniel tag along when we visit, daniel loves it) the girls jumped on the tramp, played cars, watched 
cars and feed my boys and the two babies, george and bronson, had crawling contests that mila put 

but i really just want you all to know how incredible micka is. i look up to her so much and am forever grateful for the kindness, purity, and joy that she radiates. through her quite but bold example i am who i am. she is kind to everyone and has an eye single to the glory of God. she is funny, BEAUTIFUL and loving. she is 5'8" inches, she loves strawberry smoothies and long walks on the beach...wait, what?

because it was just us two amongst a whole ton of boys, we hold on tight to that sister bond. and let me tell you, that bond of ours is one of my most cherished. 

love you forever and so happy to call you mine! 

**also pictured is baby bronson who is just 5 days younger than mr.george! and don't mind my lips covered in cold sores (first picture)  #traveling #with #threebabies #strugs  

^^ us at the airport airport on the trek home. ^^ 

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