April 9, 2016


we have been loving every second of our (short) trip to utah. my dad has had a terrible case of pneumonia and had to get lung surgery four days ago. i am so glad that i am here with him during all this craziness in the hospital, i would have been a nervous wreck if i was helpless in brazil during all of this. what a tender mercy!

poor little pumpkin. he has been a fighter this past week a and half. tonight i went to see him and he had walked seven laps around his floor strapped to his iv, tubes hanging out of his lungs, an epidural in, oxygen, compression socks etc,. he is my hero.

it wouldn't be a visit to utah if we didn't eat at cafe rio! am i right?! yesterday the kids and i took the train in salt lake city and went shopping with grandma vicki, we had too much fun. 

utah is in full bloom right now. it is breathtaking. 

we hiked the Y this morning! wow. no carriers and three babies. it was a workout!  we went with sam and kaori and their babes too, we went sloooowwww. the boys were so excited when we got to the top. on the way down, however, henry just could not walk and was immediately given piggy back privileges and rushed to the nearest jamba juice. i am glad to say that the orange blast smoothie solved everything. 

our fleet. i am glad to call them mine. 

utah, we love you. 



  1. the Y kicks my butt (even with a carrier) I love Utah this time of year, glad you're here to enjoy a piece of it! (and I know it's a short trip... but stop by Orem!!!)

  2. katie! i wish we coulllldddd! i need to see your little troop! we are leaving this afternoon:(

  3. The Y in jeans..carrying babies?! HOW HOW HOW

    it's official- you are wonderwoman
