sometimes i get certain verses of scripture stuck in my head and i have them on replay all day long in my mind. i love when that happens. tonight it was doctrine and covenants 121:7-8. these verses the Lord is talking to joseph smith as he and the saints are suffering immensely. the line "if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high" is so powerful.
each of us has our "conditions" as my cute sister-in-law says, we are all here on earth going through experiences that are meant for growth and experience. some days, months or even years are hard and trying but if we endure it well, God shall exalt us on high. i hope that i am enduring it well, enduring it happily and with gratitude. i hope that my children and loved ones know how much i love my Savior and know that because of Him, i am surrounded by beautiful, happy, eternal things. i love my Heavenly Father with all my heart, i love Jesus Christ and know that he cares, loves, and knows each and every one of us because He suffered all things in behalf of us. i owe everything to Him.
today i snuck around during nap time and took pictures of the here and now in our brazilian jungle house.
feeling very blessed for all these views of mine.